Saturday, February 18, 2012

Welcome and Orientation

The 2012 Master Gardener Class began February 7, with a welcome and introduction to the Master Gardener program by Dee Dee Dilger Jacobson who is the Master Gardener Coordinator for Highlands County.  Ms Dilger Jacobson grew up in a household where species identification and classification was part of everyday life.  A New York native, she received her education at Cornell.

Dee Dee Dilger Jacobson, Master Gardener Program Coordinator
The program is sponsored by the University of Florida Extension Services and Highlands County

The afternoon was taken up by Bill Black, UF's Information Technology Specialist who talked about Internet security and effective ways to search the web.  This will be important when we begin our duties on the help desk which is part of the Master Gardener training.  Mr. Black also gave some training on Quick Response (QR) Codes.  They are being used by UF to provide plant information, and will assist the move from paper to electronic storage and presentation desired by conservationists.

A brief discussion of the Volunteer Management System and how to use it was presented by Christy Swift and Master Gardener Don Ingram.  It is where we will track our volunteer hours.  Newly minted Master Gardeners are expected to volunteer 50 hours in the first year.  Many opportunities are available, but everyone is expected to serve time on the help desk.  It is excellent training for identifying plant pests and diseases as well as working with the public.

Master Gardener Trainees 2012
Class members are very diverse with some having gardened extensively in other climes and others just beginning to garden.  All are anxious to learn new and better methods so that they may enjoy a beautiful Florida landscape.  As for me, I have been gardening all my life in Florida but know I have a lot to learn, especially about reducing chemical and water use.

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